The Path to Success
People often want something for nothing.They want to work for a year, and be rich for a lifetime, diet for a month, and be skinny for years, work hard for a season, and become CEO. But real change…requires a life style change! Tell me how you spend your time and I will predict your future, because the secret of your future lies hidden in your daily routine.There are no short-cuts! You can’t cheat the system. In fact, the more you try to cheat the system, the farther away from your goals you get. There are no back roads to success; everyone has to climb the same mountain.
Success Is Simple, But Hard
What deceives most people is the fact that success looks so simple, and it is simple. Simple to understand that is. But success is also very hard…and it’s hard because it requires you to be consistent; it requires you to change your lifestyle (your daily actions, thinking, and habits). Never forget that your habits will take you farther than your desires! Desire can only take you so far…before you burn out, you must rely on the train tracks of habit to get you to your destination.Change Your Lifestyle
It is your lifestyle that produces rewards. A lifestyle of working hard every day produces certain rewards; a lifestyle of learning everyday produces certain rewards; a lifestyle of eating right everyday produces certain rewards; a lifestyle of focusing on your passion every day, produces certain rewards.A lifestyle of trying to cheat the system and get something for nothing, also produces, but it doesn't produce rewards, it produces confusion. It produces confusion because you don’t understand why you can’t have the results that others have. After all, you've been working hard for six months, why aren't you rich yet. You've worked out every day this month, why aren't you skinny.
Do people gather apples from an orange tree, or coconuts from a peach tree? No, every tree produces after its kind. "To produce success, you must have the roots of success; you must have the lifestyle that produces the fruit that you want to enjoy."
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